"...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5
Well, we knew it would, but during the last four days, it sure felt like we would be stuck in this doom and gloom forever.
On the home front, we managed to get through this fairly unscathed, with just a few roof shingles coming off. Praise the Lord on that one. This morning, Sunday, I got up and sat down at the kitchen table across from my husband. Through groggy eyes, I struggled to see what he was pointing at on the table. He is a funny guy whom you'd really have to meet to appreciate, but anyway, he was excitedly pointing to the table and doing this little mime face of great excitement.
"What?" I said, annoyed to be playing games on a day where I had gotten up late (choir warm-up was in 40 minutes) because I hadn't been able to go to sleep until about 4 a.m. (a long story, always a long story). Well, finally I saw it. A skinny bar of sunlight stretching across the table through almost closed kitchen curtains.
"Ah, sunlight! Yay, hooray!!!!!"
It doesn't take much, after all, to engender a mood swing in me. This was the first sunlight we had seen since last Tuesday, so yes, thank you dear Lord, for restoring your cheery sunlight to our gloominess.
Rahm Emmanuel never likes to see a good crisis go to waste, and I never like to miss out on a metaphor. So yeah, what I am taking away from this storm is that things might seem like judgment day, but the only thing that is the end of the world, is the end of the world. That hasn't happened yet, God is still on the throne, I will new light shining on what may seem on any given day to be insurmountable problems, and so will you.

Now it is time to SERIOUSLY think about Thanksgiving, that profound, round, wonderful opportunity we get to ponder with gratitude. Then eat with fatitude.

And sing "Over the river and through the woods...", and smell the smells, and feel connected to family and tradition and ancestors and our great beloved country, and well, yes, watch football I suppose. And then make that special turkey sandwich at night with the mayo and lettuce and realize how exhausted you are and then realize that tomorrow IT begins with a vengeance, and you know what I mean by IT.
But oh, we are so blessed, are we not?

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