I was blessed today, to have a Sunday like those of old - Church, a houseful of family, a huge mid-afternoon dinner, all topped off with apple pie and vanilla ice cream for dessert.
Days like this are golden threads in God's hands, with which He weaves a little sparkle into the homespun wool of winter. We were ten people here today, mother, father, sons, daughter, aunt, cousin, Grandpa, and our church's music director thrown in for good measure!
The music man was made to pay for his dinner by playing two of my requests on our piano: Carol of the Bells (yes, I know Christmas is over), and Pachelbel's Canon.
Now those who remain this evening are watching the Vikings battle the Saints. Of course, this turned out badly for the real saints, the Irish monks who hid out on tiny, rocky islands in the sea, fervently copying the Scriptures while the real Norsemen ravaged the Irish coast. At least these saints are holding their own at present with these paper vikings. They are tied at 14 apiece.
I like to think about other people and what they might be doing on a Sunday night in winter. Are they making their lunch for tomorrow? Doing laundry in between watching TV? I imagine that little ones might be getting their bath, and others are having their bedtime story read. I pray that those who must be out at work tonight will be blessed and protected, and that those who stay at home are enjoying all the comforts that may bring. And I leave this post with one of the many precious prayers of Compline, from the Book of Common Prayer:
"Visit this place, O Lord, and drive far from it all snares of the enemy; let your holy angels dwell with us to preserve us in peace; and let your blessing be upon us always; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

What a beautiful prayer.