"Home Sweet Home"
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I am so delighted to be home! And its Spring and we can start pulling and raking and digging and planting!! My oldest boy has moved back home so now my house is a busy hub, with our four sons sharing the space with four cats, one dog, four fish, one happy mama and one returning papa, who himself has been out of town working for three weeks.
My seasonal, temporary job has offered me the opportunity to work from home this Spring, and I am hoping my computer will test out as being sufficient to do this.
Life is good and God is great! He is on the throne and gives us all we need to live a victorious and joy-filled life.
I have been slowly sprucing things up around here, re-organizing spaces and putting little touches of seasonal beauty around the place. I hope to begin organizing my recipes, but especially want to pull out the ones for our traditional, Italian Easter goodies. Though this is the season of Lent, a time of repentance and reparation, the Lord seems to be using it in my life to renew and regenerate my relationship with Him. And as goes our relationship with our heavenly Father, so goes our relationship with everyone and everything else!!
I have realized that, in any given age, at any particular time, we might have reason to fear or mourn or rage about something. If we focus on those things, however, we become enslaved and powerless. Better to dig in and do our work with diligence and hope, and face each day determined to make it a better day for ourselves and the world around us. And be thankful.
Besides, prayer changes things and the problems we have in our personal lives and in our corporate life must yield to the Holy Spirit when He is invited in to intervene. So, instead of yelling, screaming, whining and complaining or being fearful, we can seek to lift it up to the Lord and go about our business doing the work He has given us to do.
Therefore, for the remainder of Lent, and hopefully beyond, I will abstain from hanging on every word that proceeds from the mouth of Fox News, and will cease reading or disseminating e-mails that deal with government, politics, church problems, declining morality, oil, global warming or non-global warming, etc. I know that things are a mess, and that certain evils are gaining traction, but its like a soap opera; you can miss the show for a year and then tune in to find that things are pretty much in the same state as when you tuned out. For me, I will find it more effective to spend my new-found time in prayer and supplication regarding the problems of this fallen world, of which I am well aware. And as for the rest of the time, boy do I have a lot of work to do, plus a girl's got to sleep sometime, ya know???

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